East Coast Prep Website

East Coast Prep Website

Website Re-Design for a Football Prep School Todd Vasey of East Coast Prep in Great Barrington, MA was looking for a local web designer to rebuild his outdated website before the football recruiting season commenced. He requested a website with easy access for him to...
Kalia Schools WordPress Website Design

Kalia Schools WordPress Website Design

Website Re-Design and Search Engine Optimization John Carchio of Kalia Schools in Lakeville, MA was looking for a local company to redesign the web presence of his schools. John wanted a website that his director could update on a daily basis but still reach out to...
Riviera Cafe Brewhouse Video and Web Marketing

Riviera Cafe Brewhouse Video and Web Marketing

Web Marketing and Video Production Purple Turtle Productions, Inc. is proud to work with George Dixon at the Riviera Cafe Brewhouse in Bridgewater, MA to produce a monthly web video as part of a custom web marketing service. Each video is formatted for web and shared...